Monday, January 22, 2007

Go to the Beach

The Beach is a great natural source of help for your back acne

Stay in the beach water for about 5 minutes with your whole back under, the salt water is a great cleanser.

Then lay flat on your stomach with your back exposed to the sun until your back feels hot for about 10 minutes, the sun helps to dry the acne, make sure you don’t get sun burnt thou, so best to wear a non oil sunscreen as well, a nano technology sunscreen is the best, so not too clog the pours and your skin can breath

Keep alternating these steps about 4-6 times. The next day, you should see results.
For really strong acne, do it 3 days in a row.

Have some fun while you are helping cure your acne.

How to Get Rid of Back Acne

How to Get Rid of Back Acne

Back acne is acne that comes up on your back, which can be particularly embarrassing during the summer when the back is more exposed

Here are some tips to get rid of your back acne

1. Wash your back and whole body with Neutrogena Body Clear Body Wash, concentrating on the areas with pimples. Wait for a minute or so before rinsing the body wash off to let the medicine sink in and do its work, to get rid of all the oil.
Neutrogena Body Wash contains the active ingrediant of Salicylic Acid which has been shown to get rid of back acne fast. You can find Neutrogena Body Wash at your local chemist. If you can’t find Neutrogena Body Wash look for a generic brand with the active ingredient: 2% salicylic acid.

2. Scrub your back by using an abrasive sponge (Buf-Puf is one brand name) or a loofa (plastic pouf "washcloth" that looks like a white mesh ball). Be care not too scrub too hard, or you may increase irritation, and cause more problems.

3. Moisturize with an oil-free, medicated lotion, such as Clean & Clear Dual Action Moisturizer.
Spot treat with an acne medication cream. Since you are already using salicylic acid to wash and moisturize, use a different medicine for spot treatment, such as 2.5% benzoyl peroxide. Do not use a 5% or 10% benzoyl peroxide, because this may again increase irritation without increasing the rate at which the pimples clear up. If you are sensitive to benzoyl peroxide, sulfur may work, if in doubt check with your medical doctor.
Once your acne is under control, you may switch to using an alpha-hydroxy lotion again available at your local chemist.

For people with serious or chonic back acne – here is a solution that has worked for many people Click Here!.
So if you are seriously looking to get rid of your back acne once and for all.
Goto Acne Free in 3 days